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2021 Field Meet Update by Helen Trefry

Thanks to the members who attended AFA’s October 8-10 Field Meet in Rosebud, Alberta. Scott and Deone Taylor did a great job of organizing once again. Although activities were restrained due to the Covid restrictions required, since most of the time is spent outside hawking, the main factors- game and weather- cooperated to make it a good time. The area was drier than normal and the large flocks of mallards had not pushed south yet but there were enough slips for the long wingers and winds were light. As always, the mix of birds, dogs and friends is always a good way to share information and stories. Welcome to the new members that are starting on their falconry journey.

Next year will be our 40th year as a club and one of the founding members, Dr. Mike Person, was acknowledged with a gift of a photo and stories were shared reminiscing about his years as a dedicated falconer and President of the AFA. Mike always reminded us that falconry was a privilege and not a right and that we needed to work together to ensure the practice in Alberta was focused on achieving high standards for the falconers and birds. His work with the province was long and extensive to come up with an agreement on the regulations we enjoy now. He also served as the Canadian Director for NAFA for many years and attended the NAFA Meets. Thanks to Jonny Groves for taking the photo and having it framed and thanks to Deone for making “Mike’s Magic Margaritas" for a toast. Thanks to AFGA for door prizes.


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